Black Eye Galaxy to Launch Its IDO on SuperLauncher!

Black Eye Galaxy
2 min readJun 18, 2021


Black Eye Galaxy, the first Space NFT Metaverse will be launching on SuperLauncher on June 26th.

There will be 2 pools available:

  • Round 1. For the Black Eye Galaxy community, to participate you should be whitelisted. Date 26–27 of June. 33% will be released on TGE (04 of July), 33% in 3 weeks, 33% in 6 weeks. Whitelisting does not guarantee your allocation in the pool. Whitelisted users will compete on a “first come, first served” basis
  • Round 2. For LAUNCH tokens holders, based on SuperLauncher tiers system. Date 03–04 of July. 33% will be released on TGE (04 of July), 33% in 3 weeks, 33% in 6 weeks

After both pools have done liquidity will be locked and trading will start. Exact time and token contract will be announced 04 of July after Round 2 done.

Initial MCap on TGE 164k usd, initial supply 10.9mln BYG

Total amount to raise in both rounds — 780BNB. Price 1BNB=20 000 BYG Tokens

Airdrop distribution will be conducted from 05 to 06 of July.

To be included in the whitelist lottery you need to fill the form

Whitelist winners will be announced 25th of June, 09:00 PM UTC

Our unlock schedule

Black Eye GalaxyLinks


